This is the original taken with the flash off and it is on auto.
I like the photo but the background is a little distracting.
This is just simply black and white.
I went to the adjustments and selected black and white.
This is the edited photo it was taken with the flash off and was on auto.
I went to the adjustments and selected black and white.
I selected the leafs using the quick select tool.
Then I erased the black and white on the leafs so it would be colored in a sea of gray.
I think this is my best photo yet because I dont like croped photos they look kind of weird and genaric.
I think this is a much beter alternative to croping.
I went to the adjustments and selected black and white.
I selected the leafs using the quick select tool.
Then I erased the black and white on the leafs so it would be colored in a sea of gray.
I think this is my best photo yet because I dont like croped photos they look kind of weird and genaric.
I think this is a much beter alternative to croping.
i really like this picture.