Thursday, October 28, 2010

Black and white w/ color

This is the original taken with the flash off and it is on auto.
I like the photo but the background is a little distracting.

This is just simply black and white.
I went to the adjustments and selected black and white.
This is the edited photo it was taken with the flash off and was on auto.
I went to the adjustments and selected black and white.
I selected the leafs using the quick select tool.
Then I erased the black and white on the leafs so it would be colored in a sea of gray.

I think this is my best photo yet because I dont like croped photos they look kind of weird and genaric.
I think this is a much beter alternative to croping.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Photo Cleanup


                                                     The top photo was taken with the flash off.
                                                     The mode was auto.

                   This photo was also taken on auto with the flash off.
                                             I outlined the water tower with the lasso tool and then used the color  replacement tool to give the water tower a more vibrant look.
                                                   The pole was in the way of the beautiful autumn leafs and it just looks nicer. I also used auto contrast and auto tone.

Reflection: I like the bottom one much more. The water tower looks better and more vibrant while the top photo is pale and boring. Plus you can see that kasey represents the scale of the water tower.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This one is the original

 These are both croped photos of the same can of Monster
The flash for both photos is on and both on auto
This one was: auto toned and auto contrasted. I color corrected it to give it a blue look.
I like the look of the blue one more because its looks like its the blue flavor of moster when really its the green one just the colors changed.