Thursday, January 13, 2011

This is a photo taken from the internet of the band "The Offspring". First I replaced his eye with the anarchy symbol because it looks awesome. I made a copy of the background so I could add the fx satin. I didn't like the original skull so i found another skull that looks better. I used the curves and levels to make it darker. Also I replaced the words the offspring with text that fit the photo better. I put the waterfall stamp on the right because it reminded me of an offspring. And I think you can make sense of the guitar stamp.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Choice #1

This picture was taken with the flash off and the camera was on auto.
First I used the color balance tool to enhance the green of the grass.
Next I used the clone stamp tool to try and get some of the debris out of the water.
Last I auto toned, auto contrasted and auto colored it so it would look better.
This is my favorite picture but it never fit into a specific category.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Landscape Ground emphasis

The camera was on auto and the flash was off.
I like it but its to dark for my taste.

First I used color balance and made the grass look greener and more vibrant.
Then I adjusted the brightness because the original was to dark.
Lastly I adjusted the levels to make it look bright and beautiful.
The tree line shows off more of the land then the sky.

Reflection: I really like the edited one because its just an overall improvement.
I really like how much the green of the grass stands out.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


This photo is good but the glare from the sun is a bit distracting. 
The background is very distracting also.
First I changed the vibrancy of the photo so it looks better.
Then I went to color balance and gave it more red so the coke looks better.
Then I gave it auto tone… I like it because it gives it a darker look.

Reflection: Okay first of all that is in my room and its awesome and second my walls are orange...which is also awesome. Anyway I like the croped photo more because it just looks nicer with the red being more shiney.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


 This photo was taken with the flash off and the mode was on auto.
This picture is good but the peson in the back is very distracting.

 First I took out the peson standing in the background with the spot healing brush.
Then I used the color replacement tool to make the brick wall look nicer.

Reflection: I like the bottom one more because it looks more vibrant and the person in the background is gone.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Black and white w/ color

This is the original taken with the flash off and it is on auto.
I like the photo but the background is a little distracting.

This is just simply black and white.
I went to the adjustments and selected black and white.
This is the edited photo it was taken with the flash off and was on auto.
I went to the adjustments and selected black and white.
I selected the leafs using the quick select tool.
Then I erased the black and white on the leafs so it would be colored in a sea of gray.

I think this is my best photo yet because I dont like croped photos they look kind of weird and genaric.
I think this is a much beter alternative to croping.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Photo Cleanup


                                                     The top photo was taken with the flash off.
                                                     The mode was auto.

                   This photo was also taken on auto with the flash off.
                                             I outlined the water tower with the lasso tool and then used the color  replacement tool to give the water tower a more vibrant look.
                                                   The pole was in the way of the beautiful autumn leafs and it just looks nicer. I also used auto contrast and auto tone.

Reflection: I like the bottom one much more. The water tower looks better and more vibrant while the top photo is pale and boring. Plus you can see that kasey represents the scale of the water tower.